Shaykh Mehmet Adil Sultan
Finding Strength in Difficulties
Ancient Recommendations for Modern Times
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Compiled and edited by G. Jamaludin Neidhöfer.
6 Paintings and Calligraphies by Abdul Matin Estrada.
Life is a journey filled with countless moments of joy and hardship, love and loss, triumph and defeat. It is a journey that we all embark upon, yet its purpose and destination often remain shrouded in mystery. We yearn for a sense of purpose and meaning, for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. And in this quest, we turn to many different sources, seeking guidance and inspiration.
Life is a journey filled with countless moments of joy and hardship, love and loss, triumph and defeat. It is a journey that we all embark upon, yet its purpose and destination often remain shrouded in mystery. We yearn for a sense of purpose and meaning, for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. And in this quest, we turn to many different sources, seeking guidance and inspiration.
In this book, we will explore the teachings of Sufism and how they can help us find strength in the face of life’s difficulties. At its core lies the belief that the purpose of human existence is to attain closeness to God, our Creator, the One and Almighty, to experience the divine within ourselves and all around us. (From the Prologue)
About the author:
Shaykh Mehmet Adil Sultan is the current spiritual leader of the Naqshbandî Sufi order. He was born on March 29, 1957, in Damascus, Syria, as the oldest son of Mawlânâ Shaykh Nâzim al-Haqqânî and Hajja Âmina ‘Âdil.
Shaykh Mehmet was raised in Damascus, where he trained under the guidance of Shaykh ‘Abdullâh Fâ’iz ad-Daghistânî ق and his father, Shaykh Nâzim al-Haqqânî ق, growing into the manner and discipline of the Naqshbandî tarîqa, and received his education at the esteemed Mahd al-Fath al-Islâmî Institute. Afterward, he has lived in various countries, including Turkey and North Cyprus.
Currently residing in the village of Akbaba in Istanbul, Shaykh Mehmet continues to spread the teachings of Islam, the secrets of divine love, and the wisdom of Sufism to people all around the world through his guidance and example.
– The print version of this book is currently being prepared. –
– The print version of this book is currently being prepared. –