Amina Adil
Sayyidunâ Muhammad
The Last Prophet
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612 pagine • Hardcover
Peso 850 g
ISBN 978-9963-40-147-5
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The story of the life of Sayyidinâ Muhammad (sal.), as told by Hajja Âmina ‘Âdil, now again made accessible to the English-speaking world, provides us with an almost unprecedented insight into the fate, character, and way of life of a marvelous man and his astounding humanity. With references to ancient sources virtually unknown in Europe, this account offers a rare glimpse that will touch the hearts of many and profoundly affect their lives.
With unparalleled precision, Hajja Âmina ‘Âdil leads us into worlds never seen before — the heavenly worlds, the divine throne, the spheres of the angels and their manifold tasks, their ways of praise and their realms of power, honour, beauty and wisdom. Simultaneously, she takes us into undreamt-of depths of understanding of that extraordinary man and his boundless love, bringing us spiritually closer to the Seal of the Prophets (sal.), the Beloved of Allah, Habîbullâh. This engaging narrative highlights a period of great spiritual bliss in the history of mankind.
About the author: Amina Adil 1930/or 1933 - 16 November 2004
Hajja Âmina ‘Âdil, born in Kazan in the former Tatar Soviet Republic in 1933 as the third of four children, had fled with her family from anti-Islamic repression, first from the Soviet Union to the region of Turkish Erzurum, then following the disruptive introduction of secularism, from Turkey to Damascus, Syria. There she met ‘Abdullâh ad-Daghistânî, the Grand Sheikh of the honourable Naqshbandî-Tarîqa, who arranged for the young woman to be married to his disciple and later successor Muhammad Nâzim ‘Âdil.
She lived with him in the traditional setting of this Tarîqa, following a tradition that goes back to Sayyidinâ Abû Bakr, radiy Allâhu ‘anhu, the companion of the Prophet, sallâ llâhu alayhi wa sallam, who carries the epithet as-Siddîq, “the sincere one”.
She had four children, two girls and two boys. She was a scholar of Islamic theology and a saint.